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Board of Selectmen Minutes 01/03/2007
Selectmen’s Minutes
January 3, 2007

Opened:         7:02 p.m.

Present:                Earl Johnson, James Wettlaufer, Christian Petersen

Motion 01032007-1:  Motion made by Earl Johnson, seconded by James Wettlaufer to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the December 13, 2006 meeting, all in favor.

Sara Meier spoke regarding future activities at the Senior Center and the need for volunteers to help make these activities a success.

Paul Bracciotti, Pioneer Valley Planning Commission spoke on Priority Development funding and Holland’s Community Development Strategy.

Driveway permits were signed for 29 Pine Tree Drive and 133 East Brimfield Road.

-     Special Town Meeting to be held January 29, 7 p.m., Holland Elementary School.

-     Warrants were signed and delivered to the Treasurer.

Meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m. (vote by roll call:  Johnson:  yes  Wettlaufer:  yes  Petersen:  yes) to convene in Executive Session under M.G.L. Chapter 39, S23B Paragraph 3 to discuss strategy with respect to litigation.

Respectfully submitted,

Elaine Lengowski
Executive Secretary